Well I’ve cut my first teeth now with regard to Ubuntu packaging and had my 1st package accepted into the hardy release 🙂

The package I used was cpptest which is a portable and powerful, yet simple, unit testing framework for handling automated tests in C++. I used this testing framework for my Masters work and decided to simplify the tool chain for others to build and use my work.

It’s great after around 3 -4 weeks of learning around my job to have it accepted and I’m looking forward to getting my other two packages in the queue accepted for hardy. I’d like to thanks the MOTU’s which have helped me get this package done through reviewing it namely sistpoty, persia, apachelogger and norsetto.

Remote Wonder 2 in Mythbuntu

December 10, 2007

I’ve had a few searches for this hitting my blog and seen people having problems with it as well. I just redid mine on Ubuntu Gutsy and this should work the same. Here is what I did

sudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc

I then chose the userspace driver

sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/lirc

Here I commented out blacklisting of the `lirc_atiusb’ module.

Once this is done you can load it with

sudo modprobe lirc_atiusb

You’ll then need to install the lircrc file to /home/<myth user>/.mythtv/lircrc

Restart and it should all work fine. I’ve attached my config files for you to check against as well. If you need more help post here or find me (davemorris) on irc.freenode.net

irw is a great little program to run in a terminal to see what buttons your pressing and tsee what they are mapped to.


/home/<mythtv user>/.mythtv/lircrc