During the summer I took the opportunity to play with the Sonos music system in a local hi-fi store.  I was very impressed with the idea of been able to play back my collection of digital music in various rooms of my house, either synchronized together in a ‘Party’ mode, or simply different music in different rooms.  Added to this the ability to connect to Napster, Spotify, Internet radio and it’s simple interface which I felt non technical users would easily be at home with.

However I was struck with two concerns.

1.)    Why do I need yet another remote sitting around at home when I could pick up a small tablet or use my phone as the remote. (Sonos have since released an Andorid controller alongside the existing IOS version)

2.)    Since I already make use of MythTV I already have a computer that is always turned on in the lounge, can’t I just make use of that instead?

So I set about seeing if there was a software client for the Sonos system and drew a blank.  They don’t provide one for any OS and expect you to buy hardware for each room at ~£280 for a standalone box to feed into an amp.

So the next task was to look into other products which had a similar functionality set where I came across the Logitech squeezebox system.  This works by running a Squeeze server on your NAS (with support from NAS providers) which your various clients connect to.  These clients can either be hardware clients or software clients.  Softsqueeze is an open source java client which I have been using for a couple of months on my MythTV frontend without a problem.  Logitech have also provide free of charge an Android controller which is able to control the various clients located on your network.

Whereas the Sonos appears to be aimed at the audiophiles, the squeezebox system appeals to the more general consumer, and thus has a lower price point of ~£100 for a standalone box (Logitech Squeezebox Duet wireless media receiver).  In addition they also sell hardware which consists of a built in digital amp coupled with speakers (Boom and Radio).

After using the two software clients in my house I am very impressed with the functionality and ease of use of the product, it fills the various requirements I had of been able to make use of my digital collection around the house and been an easy to use solution. I’m currently unable to comment on the hardware available from Logitech however I fully intend on purchasing the Boom or Radio for use within my kitchen.

Shameless plug

May 7, 2007

I help run a free bannerless multi-player empire building strategy web based game called “Holy War”. We tried to distinct ourselves from all the other games out there with 3 “key” features:

1) Team orientated:The game is designed to encourage team playing, with small sovereignty’s which you can play with your friends or on your own. The religion side of the game is where you fight as part of an ‘alliance’ of players devoted to your religion where your aim is to help your religion win.

2) Religion System:There are 5 different religions and each religion is run by a High Priest (The players themselves select the new High Priests at the end of each era). These High Priest interact with the “real” world with spell-casting etc. At the High Priest level those 5 players/religions fight against each other. Together they have access to a large selection of spells and constructions which give bonuses to themselves or their followers.

3) Extensive Options for “regular” players: Each player can choose between 3 different alignments and together with the 5 religions, which leads each player to have access to a variety of upgrade combinations. There is also a tech tree with over 50 technologies that can be researched and over 25 buildings that can be constructed.

The next round is due to start Thursday 10th midnight BST, so throw your armies into the fight by joining here

So I’ve started a blog

April 10, 2007

I thought this day wouldn’t come. I’d previously mentioned that I didn’t see the point in blogging. I’m planning on using this blog to talk about my world of computers which mainly involves GNU\Linux (mainly Ubuntu) and my match fishing in the south of England.

Whilst I’m here a quick plug for my website which is at http://greenacre.no-ip.com/dave