Android remote for Banshee

August 19, 2011

Ever since I got my Android phone I’ve been looking at ways for it to control my Ubuntu based HTPC and my Yamaha AV reciever.  My current setup uses Mythtv on Ubuntu, however I have issues with Mythmusic so have been using Rhythmbox.  Controlling MythTV is nice and simple using MythRemote and it works without any problems for MythTV features, however what I was missing was an easy way to select music without the TV turned on.

After a few hours searching and playing with a few applications I settled on using Banshee as my music player and making use of Banshee Remote along with a small extension for Banshee to allow it to be controlled.  Initial use has been positive, the features are a bit limited at the moment in that it doesn’t support Internet radio and playlists for instance but lets see if I can find some time to improve it a bit.